Playland Productions practices Dana (Daana), an ancient tradition of giving. It is a free will offering, given from the heart. There is No Minimum. It is our belief that art and theatre should be accessible to all.
"Dana giving is when teachings were considered priceless, therefore the grateful receiver of such teachings or healings would give whatever they could afford in appreciation for these gifts." Although our shows are not considered "teachings," we hope you are enlightened by them and we hope your offering is a reflection of how much you have been touched, inspired or simply entertained by them.
Your support is an expression of gratitude and we receive it in the truest spirit of paying it forward!
PAY-WHAT-YOU-WILL OR RSVP ONLY You will have the opportunity to Pay-What-You-Will online (enter the amount) or RSVP Only to pay what you wish at the door, before or after the show. RSVP is highly encouraged to reserve your seats. Go to
If you find you are unable to attend after your ticket purchase or RSVP, please call 510-590-2261 to avail your seats to others. Thank You!